Faculty Development Committee

Emeritus Faculty Development Grant Application  

A Final Report must be submitted to the Office of the 学院院长 and Vice President for Academic Affairs within one month of the end of the grant period.

Maximum Award is $1,500.

Failure to submit a final report may result in advances being treated as taxable income and will result in disqualification from future grant opportunities.

All materials and/or equipment 购买d with the aid of grant funding become the property of 火博体育大学 when the funded project is completed.

Provide a statement of 750 words or less describing the project in language understandable 给非专业人士. The members of the Faculty Development Committee consist of faculty from different disciplines. It is your responsibility to provide a description of your project and your objectives that is easily understood by someone outside your area of expertise with enough detail to give a precise understanding of what you wish 来完成.
If your project involves the use of human subjects or human tissues, or vertebrate animals, indicate the status of IRB (human subject) or IACUC (vertebrate animal) review.
Budget Information -- PLEASE NOTE: Original, itemized receipts for all items $10 or over must be attached to expense reports. Your credit card bill and the receipt showing the total amount paid for restaurant charges are not considered adequate proof of 购买.
Please provide information regarding sources(s) and amount(s) of funding for this project from sources outside Skidmore.
By entering your name here, the Faculty Development Committee will accept this as a fully-signed document