
Photo essay: A history of food at Skidmore

by 詹姆斯Helicke

对食物的研究 and the dining services offered at Skidmore have evolved throughout the decades, reflecting broader changes at the College. From a 1920s class in domestic science to a longstanding Chicken Finger Friday tradition, here's a glimpse at some of the ways that Skidmore community's connection to food have changed over the years:

1920s — Domestic science

Domestic science class

Domestic science was once a subject at the heart of Skidmore’s curriculum. 在这个 1920s photo, students learn cooking techniques in one such course. 对食物的研究 is once again finding its way into Skidmore courses, from science to the humanities, and propelling creative thought at Skidmore.


1943 — Victory Garden Project

Victory Garden Project

Karl Hyde, professor of biology, headed up the Victory Garden Project to support our troops during World War II. 在这张来自 the summer of 1943, he is seen in the driver's seat as students load up vegetables from the College's Victory Garden. 今天, Skidmore Community Garden reflects broader interest on and off campus in locally grown and healthy foods. 一些 of the yield now goes to the dining hall. 


1959 — 摩尔厅厨房


在这个 1959 photo, food is prepared in the kitchen in Moore Hall. 粉红宫殿, Skidmore’s last downtown building, was closed in 2006 and was razed in 2016 for a 公寓项目.


1963年-规划 新食堂

餐厅 hall architectural drawing

This April 1963 architectural rendering shows plans for Skidmore’s 新食堂 on Skidmore's new campus. 屡获殊荣的 Murray-Aikins 餐厅 Hall isn’t just serving great food, it’s central to Skidmore sustainability efforts and increasingly finds itself part of Skidmore’s 教育al mission.



Corner-Copia snack bar

In 1966, students could stop by the Corner-Copia snack bar on the new campus to grab some sweet treats or beverages on the go. Today, Skidmore has Burgess Cafe and The Spa in Case Center, as well as Atrium Cafe, as options for grabbing a quick bite.




As Skidmore’s study body has changed over the years, so has its dining scene. 餐厅 Services has also expanded offerings to appeal to a growing international student population and diverse tastes and dietary concerns. Shown is an African, Hispanic, Asian and Native American (AHANA) event at Skidmore in 1995.

Present day — Chicken Finger Friday

Chicken Finger Friday

Chicken Finger Friday has been a popular tradition on campus for the past four decades. Murray-Aikins 餐厅 Hall hosts theme dinners and special events to keep food fun.


Photographs courtesy of Scribner Library Special Collections. 


Friends and family from the Skidmore community and beyond gather to celebrate the legacy of the longtime trustee, 教育家, 积极分子, DEI冠军.

住院期间, Charles and her team will participate in class visits, podcast and video recordings, 即兴表演, exploring themes of access, 股本, 教育, 技术, and artistic practice across a variety of disciplines.

Billy Winter ’18 aka Zella Cullatore is working with Drag Out the Vote to mobilize voters ahead of this fall’s election.