

by 珍妮·卢波夫,19岁

Over the past four years, when brought up in conversation, Skidmore always elicited the same kind of curious reaction I couldn’t quite pinpoint.

Relatives eagerly told me they have friends whose sons went and “loved it,” or colleagues who went “ages” ago but still reminisce about their days as Skidkids. 甚至是陌生人 on the street would catch a glimpse of my Skidmore T-shirt or hat and, with that same “火博体育。!当他们从我身边走过时.

The stories that filled the minds of these colleagues, cousins and strangers all evoked something specific and powerful — something very uniquely Skidmore.

While I’ve loved this school from day one, it’s now, as I imagine life outside this creative, comfortable campus, that everything suddenly feels so much more special. 所以现在,我也必须追忆往事.


很抱歉我已经两年没制定饮食计划了. 请知道你们的食物好多了 比我的. I do hope my attendance at your theme dinners makes up for this lost time. Oh, how I will miss piling my plate with “The Grinch” and “Harry Potter”-themed dishes.

Thank you for giving my friends and I “our table,” tucked away next to Emily’s Garden (I’m sorry to anyone who ever wanted to sit here but couldn’t). 在这里,我们每一次都坐着 meal, usually for hours and hours, pushing off deadlines in favor of many plates of 鸡柳和圣代.



I have maybe walked down Case walkway a million times. 我在黎明和黄昏都见过它 dusk, in both October and March snow (it does eventually stop snowing here). I’ve walked down it when everyone else is hibernating in their rooms. 然而,即使令人毛骨悚然 这里安静而空旷,但仍有家的感觉.

I’ve dodged Frisbees and hobbled down this path on crutches. 我已经跑下来了 为了赶上班车(自从那次以后,我的脚摔断了) and slowly made my way home on it after a late night in the library, admiring the 即使在黑暗中,也能感受到D-Hall的美.


Goodbye, squirrel that lives in the trash can outside of Saisselin

 你知道那个吗? 你不会弄错的. 如果你路过,听到奇怪的嘎嘎声 声音,就是这样. Sometimes, if you’re lucky, it will pop its head out. 如果你是 really lucky, a full slice of pizza will be in its mouth. 我想知道,我是否会看到 又是这样的松鼠?



I haven't lived here in two years, but I did spend half of my college career in this 建筑. I remember sitting up on the very top floor on my very first night of college, peering curiously around me at the new faces, wondering if they would ever feel familiar.


我会想你的,还有我最喜欢的图书馆座位. 我甚至会想念那回荡的楼梯间 and the line for the bathroom that develops around early May. 但是你知道 我已经跟你告别了. 

Thank you for providing me with a quiet space to write for hours and hours, especially 在我最需要你的时候. 我会想念待在这里直到灯熄灭, munching on snacks and guzzling caffeine well past when I should.



From my art history and business classes to guest lectures and everything in between, I’ll miss the relentlessly creative, one-of-a-kind approach to learning at this school. Each class pushed me and challenged me in new and unexpected ways — some with literal rocks and rivers, others with re-enactments and debates.

I’ll miss adding a fresh selection of courses to my cart each semester, with catchy titles and intriguing descriptions making it so hard to choose just a few. 虽然 a 40-page paper doesn’t always feel fun in the moment, I know I’ll miss spending my afternoons typing away on the third floor of the library.



Perhaps more of a hidden gem, this room is like the art history version of Case Center. When I had an odd 20 minutes to spare from commitment to commitment, this is where you would find me, sitting in the large, comfortable chair (unintentionally right below my picture on the art history senior board), trying not to doze off.


From impromptu ice-cream trips on those early spring days, to a winter outing to Chowderfest or to a honey and olive oil tasting adventure down Broadway, Saratoga has never failed 为我提供 古怪的小城市传统, 无尽的娱乐,真正的家的感觉. 我找不到更好的了 这四年来,我一直把这个城市称为家. 我和我的冬衣会想念你.



最重要的是,我会想念那些人. 敬那些只见过一面的人,敬我的朋友们 who brought me my favorite freshly baked pumpkin bread on stressful days, and to my mentors and professors who have guided me, supported me and given me the skills I 我需要去外面的世界 -谢谢.


I struggle to put into words exactly how much this place has helped me grow — academically and personally — and how strange and intangible the thought of leaving is.

It’s hard to fathom that there will be no more squirrels or D-Hall dinners. 但我 会永远拥有回忆吗. 比什么都特别,他们总是会带来 me back to these spaces, moments and people — even to the squirrel.

虽然 I’m no longer a student, I can’t wait to be that eager distant cousin, or stranger calling out at the sign of a Skidmore T-shirt, ready to reminisce about 我作为滑板小子的四年美好时光.

# Skid4life 



Jenny Lupoff is an art history major with a management and business minor from Westport, 连接icut. She loves the carefully crafted stories behind all things visual, making her two areas of study a perfect combination. 虽然来自郊区, she feels truly at home in bustling cities and enjoys exploring — preferably on foot — the energy, 新地方的食物和商店.