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Skidmore College

Skidmore salutes Phil and Marie Glotzbach

June 26, 2020
by James Helicke

用原创的音乐和感谢和鼓励的话,火博体育的成员们 社区、地方领导人、朋友、家人和同事都向她表示了感人的敬意 and farewell to President Philip A. and Marie Glotzbach, whose 17 years of leadership have left an enduring legacy at Skidmore.

管理与商业学院副教授兼系主任蒂姆·哈珀, 6月24日星期三,格罗茨巴赫队获得了现场直播的热烈欢迎 为纪念2019冠状病毒病受害者和他们的持续斗争默哀 of racism against Black people in the United States.

“Phil and Marie built a community made of friends. You’ve changed lives, and you’ve 在这个伟大的机构留下了不可磨灭的印记,”77届主席南希·汉密尔顿说 of the Skidmore College Board of Trustees. “We are again grateful and fortunate to 有他的智慧,他的风度,他的政治家风度,他的稳定领导 and unflappable calm under pressure during this major crisis. It’s also wonderful 知道他将会把接力棒传给我们的下一位伟大的领导人 future in front of him, President-elect Marc Conner.”

Tim Harper

管理与商业学院副教授兼系主任蒂姆·哈珀, spoke live during the virtual ovation to the Glotzbachs.

Throughout the virtual celebration, 其中包括现场和录音作品,并在萨里-威廉姆森博物馆在线播放 在校园的小旅馆里,同事和朋友们通过视频悼念glotzbach夫妇。 many accomplishments since 2003.

杰出的驻场艺术家乔尔·布朗为此准备了一首原创歌曲, called “Hard Act to Follow.” One line of the piece proclaimed: “With music and diversity, science and community, this will be your legacy. Creative thinking with a promise to instill, you’re a hard act to follow, you leave big shoes to fill.”

致敬中也有许多轻松的时刻,包括一个剧本松散的场景 格罗茨巴赫的孙子们站在自制的横幅后面,横幅上写着“祝贺你, Phil and Marie.”

副校长兼招生和经济援助主任玛丽·卢·贝茨,她曾任职 在格洛茨巴赫总统任期内对总统内阁的调查,描述了 作为一个团队合作者,他继续从他早期的职业生涯中汲取灵感 as a philosophy professor. She also lauded Marie Glotzbach’s many important contributions 到火博体育和更广泛的萨拉托加斯普林斯社区,包括萨拉托加里德斯, Saratoga Arts Fest and Skidmore Cares.

“菲尔一直是老师和团队建设者,他组织了内阁并激励了我们 the cabinet as a team. He supports all of us in the work that we do and has always been extremely generous in his acknowledgement of that work. His go-to pronoun is always ‘we,’ not ‘I,’” Bates said. “Phil introduces himself as one half of Skidmore’s 玛丽的领导能力和创造力影响了火博体育 College community and that of Saratoga Springs in so many ways.”

“你的存在真的弥漫在这个社区,真是太不可思议了 萨拉托加表演公司总裁兼首席执行官伊丽莎白·索博尔补充道 Arts Center (SPAC). “Thank you for being champions of creativity, the arts and humanities.”

Phil and Marie Glotzbach at the CIS ground breaking ceremony

Phil和Marie Glotzbach在综合科学中心奠基仪式上 in October 2018.

校友们回忆起与总统在一起的转变经历,这些经历塑造了他们的人生 at Skidmore and subsequent lives and careers.

Abude Al-Asaad ' 17回忆了Glotzbach总统反对政府限制的大胆立场 that negatively affected some international students.

“我想感谢你作为一名领导者,为最弱势群体挺身而出 members of our community when they needed you,” he said.

19岁的奈杰尔·史密斯(Nigel Smith)记得一年级学生之间的一次坦诚对话 and College leadership.

“我相信它在校园里引发了很多变化,并成为了一种催化剂 学生们愿意在校园里讨论一些问题,以便执行 change,” he said.

President Glotzbach with Oprah Winfrey

格罗茨巴赫总统在1998年的毕业典礼上授予奥普拉·温弗瑞荣誉学位 2017.

当选总统马克·康纳感谢菲尔和玛丽·格洛茨巴赫夫妇的热情欢迎 him and his wife, Barbara, to Skidmore. He also described the president’s generosity, 在总统交接过程中表现出礼貌、优雅和敏感 exceptionally challenging time.

“You are a tough act to follow. For 17 years, you have guided Skidmore with such skill 这无疑是最令人印象深刻的大学校长之一 in the nation. 我很荣幸能跟随你的脚步,”康纳说,他假设 office July 1. “On behalf of the future of Skidmore College, I thank you profoundly for all you have given to our school.”

总统和玛丽·格洛茨巴赫立即向火博体育社区发表了现场讲话 after watching the video tributes together. Both appeared deeply moved by the outpouring of support for Skidmore’s first couple.

“This means so much to us,” Marie Glotzbach said. “What we found out, as we welcomed 斯克里布纳之家的很多人,我们真的在建立一个家庭,观察 a family, becoming part of a family. That has been one of the most joyful things about these past 17 years.”

She also added a few words of praise for her husband.

“He has always impressed me. He still impresses me. I am so proud of this man,” she said.

Marie and Phil Glotzbach with students at Founder's Day

玛丽和菲尔·格罗兹巴赫与学生和火博体育的剪纸合影 founder, Lucy Scribner, at a Founder's Day picnic in 2016.

 总统对所有自始至终支持他们的人表示感谢 their careers at Skidmore.

“We will always be connected to the Skidmore community. We will always remember everyone 是谁在这一努力中帮助了我们,是谁与我们一起塑造了这条道路,又是谁 part of this journey,” President Glotzbach said. “We wish Skidmore —and Marc and Barbara — the best luck in the future. We will be watching from the sidelines and cheering as loudly as possible.”

自Glotzbach校长上任以来,学院发生了显著的变化 in 2003. 主要的举措包括改造Skidmore的第一年 体验项目(2005),Northwoods Village开业(2006),施工 广受好评的54,000平方英尺的亚瑟·赞克尔音乐中心(2010年),该建筑 苏斯曼村(2013)和正在建设的综合中心 科学,学院历史上最大的单一学术项目,其第一阶段 is slated for completion this summer.

火博体育大学的入学申请也创下了历史记录,其财政收入翻了两番 援助预算和增加的多样性,包括国内招生的强劲增长 有色人种学生,第一代大学生和国际学生.

 The full video of the tribute to the Glotzbachs is available on Vimeo. 

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