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Office of the 注册商


A 主要 field of study selected from the 火博体育大学 学位课程 must be formally declared by the second semester of the sophomore year, prior to registration for the junior year (please check your email for additional information from the advising office). Major requirements are available in the 大学目录 and students can also look at potential 主要s using the "What if" funtion in their 学位审核. Students are limited to two 主要s and three minors.

A qualified student may propose a Self-Determined Major, which intergrates more than one discipline to achieve a clearly developed and coherent course of study not available through the existing 主要s and minors at Skidmore.  看到 Self-Determined Major website for more information about the proposal process (Note: Second-semester sophomores interested in this option but without an approved SDM must declare an existing 主要 prior to registration).

How to declare a 主要:

  • 打印或获取 两个 该文件的副本 Declaration of Major Form from the 注册商's website or pick them up in the 注册商's Office.
  • Make an appointment with your intended 顾问. Discuss your academic plans and obtain his/her/their signature on both 主要 forms; if obtaining remotely, email "signatures" 是permiissible..
  • Obtain the signature (or email approval) of the department chairperson of your intended 主要.
  • Leave or email one copy of the form with the department of your intended 主要 and deliver the other to the 注册商's Office. The Office of Academic Advising will be notified of any change in 顾问, and your advising folder will go to your new 顾问.
  • If you are declaring a double 主要, repeat this process for the second one.
  • Interdepartmental 主要s require an 顾问 in each department as well as the signature of each department chairperson on the 主要形式.
  • Self-Determined 主要s: detailed information for establishing a SDM can be viewed on the Self-Determined Major website.

Please keep in mind that declaring a 主要 is not binding. It is possible to change 在以后的日子. However, it is in your best interest to make a decision and start 现在的过程是.