学生会 Association 学生会 Association

Elections and Joining SGA

2022年秋季 选举结果


Vice-President of Club Affairs: Evan Holland-Shepler '23 

First Year Class President: 麦迪逊·司徒26
First Year Vice-President: 艾莉森·福尔兹26岁
First Year Finance Officer: Daniel Huh, 26岁
First Year Marketing Officer: 安珀·卡尔26岁
First Year 事件 Coordinator: 安吉·莫兹罗,26岁
First Year Unity Officer: 阿德里安娜·格斯,26岁
第一届参议员: Jazlin Chan '26, Nancy Yang '26, Josh Maxwell '26, & Tiffany Yang 26岁 

Howe-Rounds Senator: Jouna Hadid Hasan

Jonsson Tower Senators: Diego Ignacio Ilagan & 苔丝马洛伊 

McCellan Senator: Cadence Trach

Off-Campus Senator: Paul Heffernan 

Penfield Senator: Brianna Verni 

Wait Senator: Hashim Ghias 

Wiecking Senator: Nicole Oletu 

2022年春季 选举结果


SGA President: Nathaniel Lowell '24 

Executive Vice President: Von Richardson '25

Vice President of Financial Affairs: Claire Wang '23

Vice President of Academic Affairs: Emilka Jansen '24 

Vice President for Inclusion and Outreach: Kimberly Nee '23 & 梅勒妮·诺兰23岁 

Vice President of 学生生活: 空

Vice President of Club Affairs: Carissa Pienkowski '24 


演讲人 椅子: Sophie Gilbert 

Student Entertainment 椅子: Matt Pearlman

Senior Class President: Issy Mejia
Senior Class Vice President: Alexander Yarinsky
Senior Class 事件 Coordinator: 空
Senior Class Marketing Officer: 空 
Senior Class Unity Officer: 空 
Senior Class Financial Officer: 空
Senior Class Senators: 空

Junior Class President: Vicky Grijalva 
Junior Class Vice President: Ishani Chakravorty
Junior Class Finance Officer: Deoles Guevara
Junior Class Marketing Officer: 空
Junior Class 事件 Coordinator: Tita Tuchinda 
Junior Class Senators: Haru Kato

Sophomore Class President: Sonomi Izushima
Sophomore Class Vice President: 空 
Sophomore Class Finance Officer: Fineas Jackson
Sophomore Class Marketing Officer: Qavalina Andrade
Sophomore Class Unity Officer: 空
Sophomore Class Senators: Smriti Saxena, Amy Holzberger & 艾玛Laquinta 



Willingness to serve is the process by which SGA fills committee seats and vacant elected seats in the middle of the year. Visit Skidsync and search "服务意愿" to find the form and apply. 

Note: 服务意愿 will not open until after the Fall Elections have completed. 






Committees and Commissions

  • 学术委员会
    • Arts 代表(2)
    • 在进行职前培训 代表(2)
    • Humanities 代表(2)
    • 社会科学 代表(2)
    • 在进行职前培训 代表(2)
    • Natural Science 代表(2)
  • Budget and Finance Committee
  • Club Affairs Committee 
  • Communications and Operations 
  • 委员会 Inclusion ahd Outreach
  • 委员会 学生生活
  • 司法委员会
    • Non-SGA Justice Commissioner
  • 演讲人
  • Student Entertainment Committee (SEC)
  • Falstaff's Operating Committe
    • 椅子
  • Committee for Educational Policies & Planning (CEPP), Student Representative
  • 委员会 Academic Freedom & Rights (CAFR), Student Representative (6)
  • Curriculum Committee Student 代表(2)
  • 委员会 Academic Standing Student Representative
  • Athletic Council Student Representative
  • IPPC: Subcommittee on 学生事务 Student Representative
  • IPPC: Subcommittee on Responsible Citizenship Student 代表(2)
  • IPPC: Space Planning Working Group Student Representative
  • 委员会 Intercultural & Global Understanding (CIGU) Student Representative
  • Campus Safety Security Advisory Committee Student Representative
  • 多个佣金

联系 election@gurgaonpropertysale.com 有问题的.