

Description of the Program and Student Responsibilities


The Self-Instructional Language Program (单列直插式组件) provides students with the opportunity to study critical languages via an academically rigorous program that combines self-study of appropriate texts with audio and visual materials, conversation, and drill sessions with an instructor who is a native or a near-native speaker of the target language. Participation in the Self-Instructional Language Program is a privilege and as such 承担一定的责任.

Classes, which consist of less than ten students, meet for two hours per week. 事先未安排的 class times are decided at a mandatory meeting with the instructor. 学生将 不 be guaranteed a place in the class if they do 不 attend this meeting.


教练 are generally native speakers with experience in language teaching who bring to the classroom a wealth of cultural and linguistic knowledge.  他们的角色 is to provide communicative opportunities to the students, and to create a self-guided environment for students to work on their language learning.


Not every student is ready to be an independent language learner. 有以下经历的学生 been successful in regular language courses, who enjoy figuring things out for themselves, who are comfortable with less instructor interaction, and who have a strong motivation to learn the language good candidates for 单列直插式组件.

Students are expected to work independently with limited supervision. 学生的动机 and discipline are essential to the successful completion of 这门课 and acquisition language的.

Students are required to attend all meetings with the instructor. 教师应该 be contacted directly if a student is unable to attend a session.  这是自由裁量权 of the 单列直插式组件 coordinator in consultation with the instructor to withdraw a student from 这门课 if assignments are 不 completed when due.


Please contact the chair of the Department of 世界language文学.


Two consecutive 2-credit 单列直插式组件 courses or one 3-credit 单列直插式组件 course would fulfill Skidmore’s language要求. 


Students may take 300-level 单列直插式组件 courses (WLX 371/372) upon demonstrating requisite language熟练程度. These are independent study courses comparable to other 371/372 火博体育的课程. Students are therefore expected to do advanced work in the target language. Students must discuss the project and/or goals with the instructor and complete an 独立学习 Proposal Form to be signed by the department chair prior to registration. Work in such courses generally consists of a combination of reading, writing, and 与导师的对话. There are no external exams for these courses, and the instructor assesses student performance to determine the final grade.


资格政策: All students who have successfully completed their first semester at Skidmore are 有资格参加该计划. 目标的母语或传统language者 language 有资格参加单列直插式组件计划. 

安置政策: Students must present in writing a description of their prior study or knowledge of the foreign language for which they are registering. 指导员会决定 the appropriate level of placement for the student no later than the first class meeting 本学期的.

Any student who deliberately, knowingly, and willfully enrolls in a class below his or her language proficiency level is in violation of the 火博体育学院荣誉守则 and may be referred to the Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Advising and/or 联络廉政委员会,以便采取进一步行动. 学生们应该意识到处罚 attached to an academic integrity violation may jeopardize their standing at the College. Students should also be aware that those who have committed academic integrity violations are ineligible for College honors, including but 不 limited to Dean's List, graduation honors, and inclusion in certain honor societies.

出勤政策: 想念的学生 三个多小时的课 with the instructor, will 不 qualify to take the final exam, resulting in an F in 这门课.

期末考试政策: The final examination may be conducted by an external examiner and/or the instructor. The exam will be held during final exams week (time and date determined by examiner) 而且不能安排其他时间. Should the student have a conflict with a不her final exam, he or she should make arrangements to change the other final examination, as the 单列直插式组件 examiner is available 只适用于所选时段. 想念的学生 the scheduled final exam will receive 这门课得了F. 

剽窃政策: In the case of documented plagiarism, a student will receive an F for 这门课 regardless of his or her proficiency in the language. 抄袭的案例将被 referred to the Integrity Board, in accord with the College’s honor code (see 火博体育学院荣誉守则).

Please feel free to contact the chair of the Department of 世界language文学, 如果您需要任何进一步的信息.